If you've just discharged your debts and come out of bankruptcy it can be challenging to find an auto loan. You will need to check your FICO score after bankruptcy because if your score is too low you may be stuck with an exorbitantly high interest rate in the 10-15% range. That can add up quickly if you're buying a car over $10,000.
If you can scrape together some money, try to put 20-30% down on the car so you can reduce your monthly payment. If you have a trade-in car, try to sell that to a private party. A private party sale via Craigslist will get you much for your car than a dealer trade-in. Check out the blue book value first for your zip code so you know what to list it for.
If you buy a car from a dealership, don't be afraid to shop the loan around. They may offer you a low annual percentage rate, but also may get a better deal through your bank or credit union.
You don't have to wait for your bankruptcy filing to be completely finished before you start applying for car loans. Start searching for a loan and try to get pre-approved before you decide on your purchase. The last thing you want to do is find a car and then not be able to find the loan you need.
Whatever loan you decide on, check for hidden fees and prepayment penalties. There's no reason to accept a high interest loan where you can't pay down the balance when you get yourself back on your feet. Take the time to read the fine print, it can save you money and keep you from ending up back in bankruptcy.
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