Car warranties are extremely important to have whenever you purchase a new vehicle. However, claiming a car warranty can lead to extremely frustrating nights and regret for purchasing this type of useless protection. Yet, there are several steps you can take to ensure you will not be denied when trying to use your vehicles extended warranty that you paid for. These steps are fairly easy to follow, and in most cases you will find that claiming your auto warranty will be successful and easy when you stick to this guide.
The first step in claiming an auto warranty is to ensure that there aren't any major problems with the vehicle before you purchase it. If there are, ensure that the car warranty will cover these problems. This is the biggest mistake that most consumers make. Remember, that not all car problems are covered within a car warranty.
Always make sure that you maintain regular car maintenance. This includes changing the oil and making sure that all of the filters are in good condition. Make sure that you store all of these receipts and keep a record of any maintenance you do to the car. Always ensure that you have official receipts because most car warranties will not accept hand-written receipts done by yourself. Always keep a record of professional receipts, not just a notepad of when you had an oil change or whatnot.
Never add unnecessary wear and tear to your vehicle. This means drive your car carefully and do not go over terrain that will put unnecessary strain on your vehicle. Most car warranties will cover any type of mechanical malfunction, however, they will not cover normal wear and tear, thus it is important that you always care for your vehicle.
If there is a problem with any area of your vehicle, stop driving it immediately. The reason for this is because you don't want to add any additional damage to your vehicle that may cause your claim to be turned down. However, if your vehicle breaks down, many car warranties will cover the cost of having your vehicle towed to a location where it can be repaired.
Once your vehicle is at the mechanics, you will need to have them perform a complete evaluation of your car. As the mechanic is discussing the problems with your vehicle, make sure that you take notes and then date and sign the paper. Have the mechanic sign the paper as well and have them date it beside their signature. This will come in handy incase the warranty tries to dispute your vehicles problems.
Never let a mechanic start to repair your vehicle until your claim has been approved. Many car owners have ended up paying thousands of dollars out their pockets because their warranty ended up denying their claim. Never e-mail the warranty company. Always call and explain your claim with the company. Sometimes a mechanic will be able to file the claim for you, which is much easier. If this is your case, than you will only have to pay the deductible on your warranty and the mechanic will handle all communication with the warranty company.
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